Auction of monday 02 december
Reference: 6706 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Technique mixte, géométrique signée Miodrag (54X77cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6707 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Paul Corriger, plaque murale carreaux de céramique, signée (47X27cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category European Ceramics | |
Reference: 6708 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 400 euros Gouache sur papier,'Hot hips page Miles Davis and Kenny Dorham in Paris', 'Duchateau 91 (100x120cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6709 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 900 euros / 1.200 euros Olivier De Schrijver 1958, école Belge, Ode's Design, éditeur Comme chez vous Art, 1 miroir 'Tu... |
Hammer price 1.800 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6710 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Lithographie 'Bureau' signée Bernard Buffet 68 (37X72cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6711 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 30 euros / 40 euros Peinture sur soie 'Composition moderne', traces d'humidité (96 x 88cm) |
Hammer price 10 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6712 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Reproduction 'Le Toucan créatif' (75X60cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6713 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Gouache 'Abstraction' signée et datée 1955 (42X60cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6714 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Banksy lithographie " Helicopter", édition 53/100, pastille d'authenticité visible à l'arrièr... |
Hammer price 430 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6715 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Huile sur toile, 'Abstrait', signé et daté 1977 (50X60cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6716 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Lithographie signée Félix Labisse 1905-1982 et n° EA 18/25 (50X55cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6717 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Lithographie signée Félix Deboeck (65x58cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6718 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 300 euros / 500 euros Jan Van der Loo 1908-1978, "Femmes sous le soleil" (80x65cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) VAN DER LOO Jan | |
Reference: 6719 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Série de 3 lithographies sur toile de Marilyn Monroe inspiré d'Andy Warhol (47x36cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6720 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Paire de bas relief géométriques noirs et blancs (30 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Sculptures | |
Reference: 6721 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Lithographie de Picasso" Dove of Peace" + Lithographie Edgar Degas " La toilette" |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6722 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Van Belleghem Roger 1922-2002, lithographie signée et numérotée 74/150 et datée 1978 (50X38cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6723 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Clarebout Pierre 1933, gouache " Composition" (20 x 29cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6724 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 120 euros / 140 euros Daran Gérard, " Nu voilé" janvier2008, dédicacé, signé (37 x 28cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6725 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Miroir "Soleil" en bois doré (Ø68cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6726 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Fridman 1910-2003, lithographie " Famille " (20 x 30cm) |
Hammer price 10 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) FRIDMAN 1910-2003 | |
Reference: 6727 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie, cachet Sunday B Morning et Fill in your own signature " Ma... |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6728 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie cachet 'Sunday B Morning' et 'Fill in your own signature Ma... |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6730 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Lichtenstein Roy 1923-1997, lithographie signée n° 31/150 " Portrait de femme" cachet au dos C... |
Hammer price 260 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6731 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Schrobiltgen Paul 1923-1980, 'Composition' technique mixte (75X53cm) |
Hammer price 430 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6732 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 160 euros / 260 euros René Julien, huile sur toile signée et datée 1973 "La clé du merveilleux" (116x89cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) JULIEN René | |
Reference: 6733 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie, cachet 'Sunday B Morning et Fill in your own signature', M... |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6734 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie cachet 'Sunday B Morning' et 'Fill in your own signature Ma... |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6735 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Acrylique sur toile, composition moderne signée (40X40cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6736 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Seeuws Jos daté 1954 'Instruments de musique', aquarelle sur papier (33X23cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6737 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Lot de 2 lithographies d'Henri Matisse " 2 jeunes hommes", 1 abimée par l'humidité (Cadres 30 x... |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6738 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Popart, technique mixte sur panneau " Mickey" (60 x 70cm) |
Unsold Category Comic Strips and Derivatives | |
Reference: 6739 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Mara Pol, lithographie " Time for tunes" 1981 (72 x 60cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6740 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros MORTIER Antoon (1919-2016), 'L'Autruche', datée de 1974, Gand - Villeneuve les Avignon, aquarell... |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6741 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Lithographie de Corneille 1922-2010 (33x41cm) |
Hammer price 400 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6742 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros VEREECKE Armand (1912-1990), 'Sans titre', lithographie vers 1974, éclat à la vitre (58X44cm) |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6743 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 140 euros / 240 euros Offset à l'occasion d'une rétrospective de Wassily Kandinsky signée dans la plaque (34X41cm), ... |
Hammer price 280 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6744 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Roland Henry 1919-2000 dessin " Nu de dos" (64 x 48cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6745 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Delahaut Jo, '88, lithographie signée 115/200 (65 x 65cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6746 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 120 euros / 180 euros VANDERCAM Serge (1924-2005), 'La toute belle', lithographie signée et titrée (64X49cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6747 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 200 euros / 400 euros CAMUS Gustave (1914-1984), 'Intérieur', aquarelle signée (53X43cm) |
Hammer price 460 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6748 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 140 euros / 180 euros Daan J. huile sur toile signée, peinture abstraite signée (82 x 65cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6749 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Sprumont André, technique mixte "Maisons et personnages" (33x44cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) SPRUMONT André | |
Reference: 6750 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Cadre en mosaïque de quartz et autres (55X55cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6751 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur toile 'Nue' signée Georges Vandenbosch (47X35cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6752 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Talaga Maria, Encre "Composition moderne" (65x50cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels Artist(s) TALAGA Maria | |
Reference: 6753 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Modigliani Amedeo 'Portrait de Jeanne Hébuterne, Mourlot' lithographie 696/950 (104X63cm) |
Hammer price 400 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6754 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Delporte Charles lithographie 53/145 " Maternité" (50 x 38cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6755 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros De Boeck Félix 1898-1995, lithographie signée |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6756 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Lithographie abstraite signée et numérotée (70x40cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6757 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Céramique, 'Femme à la colombe', monogramme CL (47x15cm) |
Hammer price 20 euros Category European Ceramics | |
Reference: 6758 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Thienpont Suzanne 1981 'Composition moderne' technique mixte (56X26cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6759 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros De Boeck Félix 1898-1995, lithographie signée |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6760 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros De Boeck Félix 1898-1995, lithographie signée |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6761 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Liard Pol 1942, huile sur panneau 'Autre monde' signée et datée 1966 (90X60cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6762 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Michel Jacques 1933-, "Abstrait", peinture sur métal signée et datée de 1972 |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6763 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 80 euros / 100 euros Miroir orange vintage de (65X65cm) +/- 1970 |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6764 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur toile 'Abstraction' signée Luc Perot (90X60cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6765 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Liard Pol 1942, huile sur panneau 'Le rêve bleu' signée et datée 1976 (100X60cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6766 (Auction of: 02/12/2024)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros MORTIER Antoon (1919-2016), 'Confetti 1963',G and - Villeneuve les Avignon, collage, acrylique et... |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Paintings |