Auction of monday 03 february
Reference: 5617 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Dandoy Albert 1885-1977, huile sur cuivre, Vue de Namur (H15X22cm) |
Hammer price 460 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5618 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros DE GROUX Charles (1825-1870), "Étude d'Orientaux", mine de plomb sur papier(38x25cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5619 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros DE LINCE (XXe)," Vue de Venise", huile sur toile, accidents (30x40cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5620 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros BASTIEN Alfred (1873-1955), lot de 2 huiles sur panneau : 'Natures mortes aux fruits' (25x39cm et... |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5621 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 200 euros Huile sur panneau 'Homme à la pinte et au tabac' (20X15cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5622 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Lavis sur papier, "Passage du gué" (20x28.5cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5623 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros PUVIS DE CHAVANNE Pierre (1824-1898), "L'Espérance", lithograhie signée et datée, timbre sec (... |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) Pierre Puvis de Chavannes | |
Reference: 5624 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros DELMOTTE Marcel (1901-1984), "Nu assis de dos", datée de 1931 (26x35cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5625 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros DELMOTTE Marcel (1901-1984) "Paysage fantastique" Huile sur isorel signée (19x24cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5626 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 20 euros / 40 euros Huile sur panneau 'Paysage' signée Eugène Colignon (16X23cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5627 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros VAN DE KERKHOVE Louise (1860-?), "Paysage", huile sur panneau signée (18,5x30,5cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5628 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros DE MUYLDER Pieter 1921-2013 huile sur panneau " Champignon" (33 x 24cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5629 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Aquarelle signée Koster 1928 'Paysage fleuri sur fonds d'église'(27X35cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5630 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur panneau 'Patineurs sur un lac' signée (20X25cm) |
Hammer price 330 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5631 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Lesage 'Plage animée' huile sur toile (20X25cm) |
Hammer price 260 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5632 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Huile sur panneau " Musicien à la mandoline" attribuée à Ferdinand Roybet 1840-1920 (28 x 20cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5633 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros CORNET Jacobus Ludovicus (1815-1882), "Séduction", lavis sur papier (20x33cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5634 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Saubry Cellia née en 1938 huile sur toile " Ecole de jeunes filles" (38 x 46cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5635 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 100 euros Mackintosch G."Danseuse japonaise", aquarelle signée et datée 1878 (20x15cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5636 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Lot de 2 lithographies de Pablo Picasso " Sleeping wooman" et " Dove of Peace" (Cadres 30 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 5637 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros MATISSE Henri (1869-1954),"Jeune fille arrangeant ses cheveux", lithographie (Cadre 40x30cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 5638 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Huile sur toile signée " Table garnie de fruits et fleurie" (85 x 110cm) |
Hammer price 460 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5639 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 600 euros / 800 euros Miroir Murano (H100X100cm) |
Unsold Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 5640 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 50 euros / 70 euros Huile sur toile, 'Portrait homme', signée (70X90cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5641 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Aquarelle 'Chevaux au pré' signée Batenburg (50X60cm) |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5642 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 1.400 euros / 1.800 euros Dessin au crayon et pastel 'Femme de dos' cachet et daté 20 décembre 1897 par Georges Lemmen (7... |
Hammer price 1.200 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5643 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros De Brackeleer Henri 1840-1888, dessin " Intérieur rustique" (14 x 22cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5644 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 20 euros / 30 euros Dessin 'Portrait d'un homme' (15X12cm) |
Hammer price 10 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5645 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Crucifixion, huile sur cuivre (22 x 16cm) |
Hammer price 360 euros Category Religious Art | |
Reference: 5646 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros BASTIEN Alfred (1873-1955), "Militaire à cheval", gouache (22x28cm) |
Hammer price 220 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5647 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 20 euros / 30 euros Aquarelle 'Jeune femme' (19X9cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5648 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Maringer Lucien 1903-1981, huile sur toile datée 1970 'Trois filles' (40x20cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) MARINGER Lucien | |
Reference: 5649 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Logelain Henri 1889-1968, " Vue de la ruelle des marins à Villefranche", huile sur panneau sign�... |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5650 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Toussaint Fernand 1873-1956, huile sur panneau signée (40x32cm) |
Hammer price 330 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5651 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Eglomisé ancien, "Portrait d'homme" (38x26cm) |
Hammer price 500 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5652 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Peinture signée 'Bâteaux et barques', huile sur panneau bombé (22X27cm), bel encadrement |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5653 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur panneau signée, datée 'Scène d'intérieur médiéval' (26X20cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5654 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros BASTIEN Alfred (1873-1955), " Maison blanche", huile sur panneau (34 x 26cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5655 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Stefani P 'Cabines sur la plage' huile sur cuivre (19X27cm) |
Hammer price 500 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5656 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur panneau ancienne signée "Halte à la fontaine" (20 x 26ccm) |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5657 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros VETCOUR Fernand (1908-2001), 'Paysage en forêt', huile sur panneau signée |
Hammer price 400 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5658 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur toile/panneau, 'Homme', signée (24x19cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5659 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Huile sur panneau ancienne école italienne "Anes à la fontaine" (18 x 27cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5660 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur panneau d'acajou," Bord de fleuve animé", porte 1 signature Lebourg (27 x 41cm) |
Hammer price 1.300 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5661 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Fecherolle André, huile sur panneau signée " Vue de Namur" (17 x 26cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5662 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Heirman Edmond 1869-1957, deux huiles sur toile dont 1 signée (16 x 22cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5663 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros DEHOY Charles (1872-1940), "Paysage", huile sur panneau signée (20x30cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5664 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Heirman Edmond 1869-1957, lot de 2 huiles sur toile (16 x 22cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5665 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 1.500 euros / 2.000 euros Tera-gravure signée Corneille 04 " Femme au chat" (36 x 31cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 5666 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros BELLIS Hubert 1831-1902 huile sur panneau " Nature morte aux raisins et aux pêches" (35 x 45cm) |
Hammer price 260 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5667 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Delmotte M.1901-1984, huile sur panneau signée et datée " Portrait de femme" (30 x 20cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5668 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 500 euros / 700 euros LEICKERT Charles (1816-1907)," Les patineurs", huile sur panneau signée en bas à gauche (24 x 3... |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5669 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 180 euros / 240 euros Huile sur panneau," Scène romantique", École française (22x20cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5670 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 30 euros / 40 euros Huile sur carton 'Fille assise' (21X26cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5671 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Dandoy Albert 1885-1977, Gouache sur papier 'Vue sur le musée archéologique' signée et datée ... |
Hammer price 280 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5672 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros CAMPS I JUNYENT Gaspar (1874-1942), 'Femme parasol', gravure des année 1920 (34x15cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 5673 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur toile 'Marine' signée (21X27cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5674 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros CAMBIER Louis Gustave (1874-1949), "Dave sur Meuse", huile sur toile (71x81cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5675 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 50 euros / 80 euros Van Vinckenroy Monique 1937-2023, huile sur toile "Forêt noyée" (80 x 100cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) VAN VINCKENROY Monique | |
Reference: 5676 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Delmotte M.1901-1984, huile sur panneau signée "Dame de dos" (20 x 15cm) |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings |