Auction of monday 03 february
Reference: 5678 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Huile sur toile marouflée 'Vaches au pré' (21X32cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5679 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Pasini Alberto "Paysage", huile sur toile signée (24x32cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5680 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 500 euros / 700 euros Huile sur panneau 'Refuge' signée Gaston Bogaert (24X19cm) |
Hammer price 600 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5681 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Madyol Jacques 1871-1950 'Homme et son chien' huile sur panneau (24X32cm) |
Hammer price 1.200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5682 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Pastel signé, 'Femme', sur panneau École espagnole (40x31cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5683 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Huile sur toile," Vue de village", peinture italienne datée 1850 (30x40cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5684 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 800 euros / 900 euros DILLENS Henri Joseph (1812-1872)," Halte à l'auberge", huile sur panneau signée et datée 1841 ... |
Hammer price 700 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5685 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros DEVOS Pierre (1917-1972), 'La famille', huile sur panneau signée (38x32cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5686 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Fecherolle André, Huile sur panneau " Bouquet de fleurs" (27 x 23cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5687 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Dessin signé " Tête de cheval" (19 x 9cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5688 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur cuivre représentant un Saint, 17e (22 x 17cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5689 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros BYTEBIER Edgar (1875-1940)," Marine", huile sur panneau signée et datée de 1936 (27x37cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5690 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros CRETEN Victor (1878-1966) huile sur toile " Dame dans le jardin" (22x27cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5691 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Aquarelle," Saint-Rombaut ", signée et datée de 1949 (29x19cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5692 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur panneau 'Paysage lacustre animé', signée et datée Becquel 1963, 20è (12,5X34cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5693 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros BOYADJIAN Micheline Evrard (1923-2019), 'Village Breton', gouache signée sur papier (15x36cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5694 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros François Joseph 1851-1940, huile sur panneau (32 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5695 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur panneau 'Scène d'intérieur' (30X23cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5696 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Huile sur panneau en chêne 'Poissonière' (25X19cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5697 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur panneau 18e orientaliste (33x23cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5698 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 30 euros / 40 euros Huile sur panneau signée " paysage avec péniche" (23,5 x 30cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5699 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Huile sur toile signé et datée 1940 "Vieux marin" (25 x 30cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5700 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 1.500 euros / 2.000 euros Huile sur panneau attribuée à Théodore Van Thulden 1606-1669 "Fête d'enfants" (30 x 24cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5701 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Huile sur panneau 19e " Paysage" (13 x 17cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5702 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 140 euros Huile sur panneau, 'Vue arborée', bon état (22x27cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5703 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Suzanne Fabry 'Jeune cavalière', huile sur toile (40X30cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5704 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Delmotte Marcel 1901-1984, huile sur panneau " La ronde des heures" (20 x 25cm) |
Hammer price 280 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5705 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros COTTET Charles (1863-1925), "Le dîner des adieux", eau-forte, 1909 (33x45cm) |
Hammer price 10 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 5706 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Raymond COUMANS (1922-2001), huile sur toile 'Scène d'extérieur de Bruxelles' (100x65cm) |
Hammer price 220 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5707 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 200 euros Collon Odette technique mixte signée (49 x 64cm) |
Hammer price 460 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5708 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Huile sur toile 'Portrait contemporain de jeune femme malgache' signée 'Elina' |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5709 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 500 euros Aquarelle sur papier 'Bouquet de fleurs' signée Mig Quinet 1939-1940 (56X40cm), catalogue joint |
Hammer price 1.000 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5710 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Encre sur papier 'Le chat gris' signé Mig Quinet (41X64cm), catalogue joint |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5711 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros Fusain signé Karabitian (107x87cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels Artist(s) Karabitian Enrique | |
Reference: 5712 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Delahaut Jo 89, lithographie 3/100 'Composition géométrique' (80X60cm) |
Hammer price 550 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 5716 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Delmotte Marcel 1901-1984 huile sur panneau "Arbre fleuri" (30 x 24cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5717 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Bosscke Lodew 1900-1980, huile sur toile signée " Portrait" (54 x 37cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5718 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur toile non signée " Portrait de Dandy" (100 x 66cm) |
Hammer price 1.100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5719 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros Huile sur toile 'Femme aux fleurs' signée Nicolas Van Den Eeden 1856-1918 (65X45,5cm) |
Hammer price 1.100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5721 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Delmotte M.1901-1984, huile sur panneau signée et datée " Nature morte" (36 x 32cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5722 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 500 euros / 700 euros Navez Léon 1900-1967, huile sur panneau " Portrait de femme" (65 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 2.200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5723 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Raymond COUMANS (1922-2001), huile sur toile 'Scène d'intérieur' (180x75cm) |
Hammer price 330 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5724 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 800 euros / 1.200 euros Peinture 'Visage' signé Szymkowitz (70X55cm) |
Hammer price 650 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5725 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 500 euros TOUSSAINT Simone (1940-2004), huile sur toile signée (80x70cm) |
Hammer price 430 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5726 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Holda S.L, huile sur panneau signée et datée 1957 " Chantier naval" (124 x 80cm) |
Hammer price 850 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5727 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Huile sur toile, lot de 3 peintures abstraites vintage |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5728 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Delmotte M.1901-1984,huile sur panneau signée et datée "Nature morte" (70 x 50cm) |
Hammer price 430 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5729 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros VAN MELKEBEKE Jacques (1904-1983) "Rêve du tigre de dentelle" huile sur toile (50x60cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5730 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Howet Marie 1897-1984, Dessin au fusain 'Elegante' signé et dédicacé en 1937 (60X44cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5731 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Dessin sur papier 'Christine et Nicole' signé Mig Quinet (50X60cm), 1943, catalogue joint |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5732 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros VAN MELKEBEKE Jacques (1904-1983) " Lad et ses chevaux" Technique mixte (50x60cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5733 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Encre/feutre sur papier 'Les Harpistes' signé Mig Quinet 1997 (49X64cm), catalogue joint |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5734 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Technique mixte sur papier 'Leda' signée Mig Quinet 1938 (40X60cm), catalogue joint |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 5735 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Miroir soleil en bois doré (Ø 70cm) |
Hammer price 400 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 5736 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Aquarelle sur papier 'Petite Nicole à Auderghem' signé Mig Quinet 1936 (64X48cm), catalogue joint |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 5737 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Miroir soleil en bois (Ø68cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 5738 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Miroir applique à 2 lumières en bronze |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 5740 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 200 euros Miroir rond Porta Romana, désign (Ø80cm) |
Hammer price 430 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 5744 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros Pastel signé Karabitian "Nu en bleu" (88x68cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels Artist(s) Karabitian Enrique | |
Reference: 5745 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Somville, lithogarphie couleur signée (74 x 54cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Etchings and Posters |