Auction of monday 03 february
Reference: 6746 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Casarsa 2010 'Venezia' huile sur panneau (18X18cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6747 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros GRAHAME Pierre (1938-1996), "Dialogue", huile sur panneau signée et datée de 1971 (50x50cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6748 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Technique mixte signée "Abstrait" (60x50cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6749 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros Illik 1925, huile sur toile signée " Maternité" (60 x 50cm) |
Hammer price 460 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6750 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 200 euros Scarpato 1986 peinture moderne signée " La statua Stanca" (23 x 30cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6751 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Dessin anonyme "Moines et jeune femme" (28x46cm) |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6752 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Delporte Charles 1928-2012, technique mixte sur carton signée " Le Rêve" dédicacé à l'arri�... |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6753 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 40 euros / 60 euros André Deroo, lithographie signée (50x40cm) |
Hammer price 10 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) DEROO André | |
Reference: 6754 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Dewael Géo 'Fantasmes', huile sur toile (60X50cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6755 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 220 euros / 400 euros VAN DER VOORT Annet (1950-), "Vanitas IX 2014", photographie sur papier (110 x 76,4cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6756 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 220 euros / 400 euros VAN DER VOORT Annet (1950-), "Vanitas VIII 2009", photographie sur papier" (110 x 76,5cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6757 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Epreuve d'artiste 'Le Merveilleux modèle' signée Roger Somville (50X70cm) |
Hammer price 300 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6758 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Somville, lithographie signée (54 x 72cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6759 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Penasse Arthur 20e, huile sur panneau datée 1971 "Textures" (64x92cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6760 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 30 euros / 40 euros Horloge design Kurt Delbanco (81,5 x 81,5cm) |
Hammer price 260 euros Category Watches and Clocks | |
Reference: 6761 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 50 euros / 80 euros MARA Pol dit Léopold Leysen (1920-1998), 'Femme', lithographie, épreuve d'artiste (42x61cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6762 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros Série de 4 photographies de Bernhard Hartmann |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6763 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Huile sur panneau, 'Moderne', signée Heinrich Umbach (34x34cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6764 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Huile sur toile 'Paysage' |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6765 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 160 euros Sérigraphie de Gilbert David 1983 Sint Lukas Instituut, Brussel, numérotée 10/10. Edition limi... |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6766 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Offset 'Femme et bâteau' (55X50cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6767 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros P. Pasteels, peinture signée "Fillette", huile sur panneau (85x56cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings Artist(s) PASTEELS P. | |
Reference: 6768 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros CREUZ Serge (1924-1996) " Sophie jouant du piano", dessin signé et daté de 1968 |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6769 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Sprumont André, lithographie "La Parade" numérotée 5/20 (30x22cm) |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) SPRUMONT André | |
Reference: 6770 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Fauville Daniel, lithographie " Tram- Buvez Coca-Cola" 33/90 (53 x 35cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6771 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 200 euros Peinture Macro moléculaire polymérisée signée à l'arrière Paul Saffre (80X55cm) |
Hammer price 280 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6772 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Delhaye José 1921-1991, technique mixte 'La Corne' signée et datée 1982 (70X50cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6773 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros M. Delmotte 1901-1984, lithographie numérotée, signée et datée |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) DELMOTTE Marcel | |
Reference: 6774 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 200 euros Chaidron J.1938- ?, huile sur panneau signée " Rivage" (24 x 30cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6775 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Photo noir et blanc imprimée sur alu 'Vue de bâtiments en Sicile' (58X100cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6776 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Raleigh 1959, technique mixte (33 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6777 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 100 euros Camus Gustave lithographie, épreuve d'artiste (56 x 37cm) |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6778 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 30 euros / 40 euros Dessin "Vue de dos" (36x51cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6779 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 700 euros / 900 euros Olivier De Schrijver (◦1958), école Belge, Ode’s Design – Editeur Comme Chez Vous Art - 1 ... |
Hammer price 700 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6780 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Huile sur toile signée "Paysage fantastique avec femmes et oiseau" (38 x 60cm) |
Hammer price 240 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6781 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Moriani Milena, huile sur toile signée " Figure fémininne" (100 x 100cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6782 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Huile sur toile 'Paysage au Château fort' signée (45X75cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6783 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Cocteau Jean 1962, lithographie signée Moretti 8/79 " L'âge du verseau" (48 x 64cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6784 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 400 euros DEUQUET Gérard (1936-2024)," Ivresse de vie", huile sur toile signée (60x72cm) |
Hammer price 700 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6785 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 200 euros Aquarelle signée "Bateaux" (31 x 50cm) |
Hammer price 120 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6786 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 800 euros / 1.000 euros Olivier De Schrijver (◦1958), école Belge, Ode’s Design – Editeur Comme Chez Vous Art - 1 ... |
Hammer price 600 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6787 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 220 euros / 400 euros VAN DER VOORT Annet (1950-)," Vanitas VI", photographie sur papier, 2009 (110 x 76,40cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6788 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Delporte Charles, huile sur carton " Sous la lune" (78 x 58cm) |
Hammer price 280 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6789 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Pougny, lot de 2 lithographies (43x70cm et 60x45cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) POUGNY | |
Reference: 6790 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Poster Guinness (50x70cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6791 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 1.000 euros / 1.500 euros MAMBOUR Auguste (1896-1968), 'Personnage assis', fusain (86x645cm) |
Hammer price 1.100 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6792 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 600 euros / 800 euros Lithographie Andy Warhol "Campbell's" crème de champignon (87 x 56cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6793 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 500 euros PERMEKE Paul (1918-1990), " Paysage enneigé", huile sur toile signée (54x64cm) |
Hammer price 260 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6794 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Adelin Guyot né en 1950 'Ruines', huile sur toile (60X90cm) |
Hammer price 430 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6795 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 20 euros / 30 euros Croquis de femme au fusain (65x40cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6796 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros SMETS Charles Ernest (1909-?), 'Jeune fileuse berbère', huile sur panneau (62x40cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6797 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 400 euros Photo de Marthe Wéry par Jacques Evrard signée à l'arrière de la photo, exemplaire unique (20... |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6798 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Petite peinture, huile sur panneau (15X22cm), signée |
Hammer price 400 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6799 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Dessin de Pierre Kroll 15/250, signé (30X40cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6800 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Affiche Air France - Espagne (50x70cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6801 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 300 euros / 400 euros Huile sur toile, peinture anonyme " Homme au chat" (130 x 130cm) |
Hammer price 2.200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6802 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Peinture chinoise signée, technique mixte (50x35cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6803 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Bury P.1922-2005, lot de 2 lithographies signées et numérotées " Formes géométriques" (42 x ... |
Hammer price 800 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6805 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Lithographie signée " Nu assis" (66 x 47cm) |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6806 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Lithographie d'après Picasso " Enfant et père Noel" (55 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Etchings and Posters |