Auction of monday 03 february
Reference: 6807 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 1.000 euros / 1.500 euros Corneille 1922-2010 'Composition', dessin (24X36cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6808 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Sérigraphie de Miro (60X50cm) |
Hammer price 330 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6809 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Cadre décoratif offset " Jeune femme" (137 x 69cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6810 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Technique mixte, géométrique signée Miodrag (54X77cm) |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6811 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Gouache et lithographie signées (encadrement 60X85cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6812 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Salvador Dali épreuve d'artiste signée dans la marge "La Divine comedie", Paradis 13 Ainsi fut ... |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) DALI Salvador | |
Reference: 6813 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros THIELEMANS Toots (1922-2016) " Photo et ticket d'entrée dédicacé" (cadre 50 x 40cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6814 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Buffet Bernard, paire de lithographies "Le petit hibou" et " Le Torrero" (32 x 24cm) |
Hammer price 400 euros Category Etchings and Posters Artist(s) BUFFET Bernard | |
Reference: 6815 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros VANDENBOSCH Georges (1912-1981),'Composition', huile sur toile, 1970 (H55X45cm) |
Hammer price 1.200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6816 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 20 euros / 40 euros Dessin Eijeberg (33 x 21cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6817 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Linotte Georges né en 1956, technique mixte "Personnage souriant" (45x33cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) LINOTTE Georges | |
Reference: 6818 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros COCTEAU Jean (1889-1963), 'Le testament d'Orphée', affiche de film (46x35cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6819 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Dessin aquarelle sur papier (31X22cm) |
Hammer price 30 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6820 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Grand miroir soleil Design (Ø115cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Frames and Mirrors | |
Reference: 6821 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 400 euros / 600 euros Technique mixte sur papier 'Baraque de tir' signée Mig Quinet circa 1989 (56X72cm), catalogue joint |
Hammer price 300 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6822 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Delfosse L,1970 'Personnages' huile sur papier (37X50cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6823 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Dessin au fusain monogrammé "Femme nue" (73x54cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6824 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Lithographie signée Félix Labisse 1905-1982 et n° EA 18/25 (50X55cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6825 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Folon Jean Michel, lithographie " La chaise aux arbres" (44 x 54cm) |
Hammer price 360 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6826 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Huile sur toile, 'Abstrait', signé et daté 1977 (50X60cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6827 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Ponette, huile sur toile signée "Abstraction" (80 x 70cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6828 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros Perre Henry 1924-2015, huile sur toile " Portrait de jeune femme" (55 x 45cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6829 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Stuyvaert Victor "Le Plagiaire" 1930 (36x26cm) |
Hammer price 90 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6830 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 100 euros Salvador Dali, lithographie signée 'La Danse", hors commerce (cadre 53X42cm) |
Hammer price 140 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6831 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros HASEGAWA Stoichi (1929-), 'Côte d'émeraude', lithographie (50x60cm) |
Hammer price 80 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6833 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros BINSFIELD 1995 huile sur toile signée " La Vierge aux rochers" (50 x 40cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6834 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 500 euros / 600 euros Hartung H.1904-1989, lithographie signée et numérotée (46 x 36cm) |
Hammer price 1.300 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6835 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Sculpture peinte '"Tête de femme" plexi éclaté signé à l'arrière (42x32x12cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Sculptures | |
Reference: 6836 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Lot de 2 techniques mixtes sur papier, 'Portraits', signées LAMBILLOTTE Alain (1948-)(40,5X29cm ... |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6837 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros LAMBILLIOTTE Françoise (1923-), 'Peinture abstraite, huile sur toile signée et datée de 1960... |
Hammer price 300 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6838 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Delmotte Marcel, dessin "Portrait" (27x18cm) |
Hammer price 40 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6839 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 140 euros Daran Gérard, " Nu voilé" janvier2008, dédicacé, signé (37 x 28cm) |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6840 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 100 euros Salvador Dali, lithographie signée 'La Femme araignée', hors commerce (cadre 53x42cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6841 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 140 euros Folon, imprimé "Solitude" 1977 (41x28cm) |
Hammer price 260 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6842 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Technique mixte sur toile signée Dora Becheanu "Volcan" (30x40cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6843 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 180 euros Technique mixte sur toile signée Dora Becheanu "Eden Garden" (31x24cm) |
Hammer price 100 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6844 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 180 euros Technique mixte sur toile signée Dora Becheanu "Canyon" (24x30cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6845 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 180 euros Technique mixte sur panneau signée Dora Becheanu "L'Amazone" (23x30cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6846 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie, cachet Sunday B Morning et Fill in your own signature " Ma... |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6847 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Série de 3 lithographies sur toile de Marilyn Monroe inspiré d'Andy Warhol (47x36cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6848 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie cachet 'Sunday B Morning' et 'Fill in your own signature Ma... |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6849 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie, cachet 'Sunday B Morning et Fill in your own signature', M... |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6850 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros WARHOL Andy (1928-1987), sérigraphie cachet 'Sunday B Morning' et 'Fill in your own signature Ma... |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6851 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros Série de 4 aquarelles 'Livres' (45X60cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6853 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Farde comprenant gravures et divers |
Hammer price 50 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6854 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 200 euros THIELEMAS Toots (1922-2016) dessin et photos (cadre 80x60cm) |
Unsold Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6855 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 160 euros / 240 euros HARING Keith (1958-1990), 'La Danse', lithographie 65/150 (50x70cm) |
Hammer price 280 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6856 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 180 euros RENIERS T. "Portraits" Lot de 20 huiles sur panneau (38x60cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6857 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 180 euros RENIERS T. "Portraits" Lot de 25 huiles sur panneau (38X46cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6858 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 100 euros / 160 euros Huile sur toile 'scène de peur' signée ? (120X160cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6859 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Humblet Théo, peinture moderne 1964, huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau (85x18,5cm) |
Hammer price 180 euros Category Paintings Artist(s) HUMBLET Theo | |
Reference: 6860 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Huile sur panneau, peinture moderne signée et datée 1990 (90 x 84cm) |
Hammer price 200 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6861 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Photographie vintage réalisée par Thierry Morin " Canette" (24 x 30cm) |
Hammer price 70 euros Category Etchings and Posters | |
Reference: 6862 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 120 euros / 160 euros Dieudonné, huile sur panneau signée " Espérance" (25 x 20cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6863 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Aquarelle " Nu" signée (40x62cm) |
Hammer price 60 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6864 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 60 euros / 80 euros Stroobants, huile sur toile signée " Composition abstraite" (60 x 50cm) |
Hammer price 20 euros Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6865 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 140 euros / 180 euros Daan J. huile sur toile signée, peinture abstraite signée (82 x 65cm) |
Unsold Category Paintings | |
Reference: 6866 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 300 euros Lucas Marcel 1927-201, aquarelle " Paysage arboré" (25 x 37cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6867 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 200 euros / 260 euros Aquarelle 'Course chevaux' (80X52cm) |
Hammer price 160 euros Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels | |
Reference: 6868 (Auction of: 03/02/2025)
Estimation: 80 euros / 120 euros Roland Henry 1919-2000 dessin " Nu de dos" (64 x 48cm) |
Unsold Category Drawings, Watercolors and Pastels |